Since day one of counseling individuals about their food and lifestyle choices, alcohol consumption has always been a topic of interest. How often do you drink alcohol? What does a typical night out look like for you? What are you go to drinks? This information tells me a lot about a person. With these questions I may find out that they are very stressed at work and need a glass of wine to “take the edge off” and relax in the evening. Or I may learn that they have a sacred Thursday night ritual of going out to eat with their spouse to try new restaurants or monthly can’t miss get togethers with friends. Some of this information paints me a picture. And for some individuals, alcohol is a part of that picture. It’s my job to help identify patterns and educate my clients about how their choices affect their health – from both a food and drink standpoint.
When I first learned about Better Rhodes, I immediately thought it was a brilliant idea. Especially after the year that we have had, I think that having delicious non-alcoholic options is a great alternative. During the last year, many of my clients confided in me that they had been drinking more than usual. The stress, anxiety, and fear of the unknown led us to mask up and enter liquor stores more often than grocery stores (imagine if they deemed liquor stores non-essential?). Now this is where I come in. I am working with these clients, helping them make great choices, but then they drink half a bottle of wine before bed, doom scroll on the internet till midnight, get a crappy night’s sleep, and then wake up groggy and craving a bagel. Are they living their best life? No. Are they choosing healthy nourishing foods to fuel their body? No.
On more than one occasion I needed to have an honest talk with my clients. The alcohol is a vice. A vice that is affecting your sleep, which throws off hunger hormones, which leads to poor choices in the morning and beyond. This led to constructive conversations about setting boundaries with alcohol.
And in no way am I saying that I am against drinking, because like every good millennial I enjoy a glass of rose (but not all day). It’s how, why, what, and when we drink that I get my clients to think about when making change. If the increase in alcohol consumption is because you’re stressed, what else can we do to alleviate that stress? If you like happy hour, what else can we drink that isn’t going to lead to a popcorn for dinner night? Better Rhodes alcohol free options can provide just that. It’s not a time out. It’s not punishment, it’s just a smarter choice.
For more of my takes on how alcohol consumption has changed, from my perspective, check out Alcohol-Free Radio podcast, Episode 6. For more information check out their website here ( . And if you’re interested in a subscription box, use code NOSH for 15% off your purchase or subscription.