Instant Pot Pressure

I caved in. The amazon prime day deal was too good to pass up. Now I am a proud owner of yet another kitchen appliance designed to make my life easier. Enter, the Instant Pot. My hesitation for purchasing this item is simple. I own a grill, an oven, and a crock pot. Between those three things, I feel like I'm doing a good job with the "quick" meals. As I embark on starting my own business, and my young daughter is expanding her palette, I feel like this might be a good decision. A podcast that I love, that talks a lot about "the things we do to take care of ourselves" sings its praises and mentions it's amazing at making omelette muffins. Those are my favorite things to make, and one of my favorite things to have clients make in order to simplify their morning routine. One issue with my beloved omelette muffins is that I basically develop carpal tunnel every time I try cleaning the muffin pan after. I've been known to let the pan sit in the sink for upwards of 4 days, hoping some magical fairy will come by and scrape the stubborn egg off the "non-stick" pan. Spoiler alert, those fairies never showed. I will keep an open mind about this new gadget, and scour the internet for a healthy recipe to find, try, and share with you all. Stay tuned for a full review.