Starting new can be a terrifying experience. When we get comfortable, we get complacent. We are saying that we are fine with how things are, even if we are not. Deep down, we know we need to make a change. Going through this experience, starting my own business, is very similar to how I have counseled people in the past. They would come to me because some fire within them has been sparked. Whether it was a doctor, bloodwork, or how they felt day to day, something triggered them to seek help. And it's scary to ask for help. It's admitting that something is not right. I loved working with my clients, but I wasn't 100% fulfilled everyday. I was comfortable. My life was predictable. After having the baby, my time was more limited, but there was exponentially more joy. Yet, I was feeling very stifled while at work. Then, one day this spring, I thought to myself, I need to make a change. I need to do something more. I need to feel more alive. The comparison I am drawing here is how people feel when they first come to see me for my services. Something is just not working, and a change needs to be made. We shouldn't be complacent, if we are unhappy. If we are unhappy we need to seek help. Life is too short to be miserable or wait for the "right time". The "right time" may never come. Once you get the ball rolling, everything will fall into place. I had to quit my job and sign a lease on a new office (in the same week) to give myself a deadline. I had 2 months to figure it out. Fortunately and unfortunately, improving our health does not have a timeline. We don't "eat healthy" for 2 months and then go back to old habits. We have to make the changes, do the work, and then... it will hopefully become our new normal. It's just what you do. Cheers to new beginnings